In A Nutshell 

Physicians are early detectors of climate-related health ailments. Cheryl Holder advocates for comprehensive medical prevention and care strategies with consideration for environmental outcomes impacting vulnerable and low-resource populations. 

About Cheryl

Cheryl Holder, a Fellow in the American College of Physicians and key medical provider leader, is dedicated to serving underserved populations. As faculty at Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, Cheryl’s work assesses the impact of social determinants of overall health on health outcomes. Her work also addresses diversity in the health professions through pipeline programs. Key among her efforts is her work around HIV and the broader health impact associated with climate change. Cheryl is the Director of Green Family Foundation NeighborhoodHELP™ Education and Pipeline Program. She is President of the Florida State Medical Association in addition to serving as Co-Chair of Florida Clinicians for Climate Action, where she works to increase climate literacy and enhance awareness of the impact of climate change on vulnerable populations. Cheryl is the recipient of: 2016 FIU Medallion Cal Kovens Distinguished Community Service Award; 2017 Faculty Convocation Award in Service, and 2019 Tow Humanism in Medicine Award.
Climate health, our health

We need our planet more than it needs us.  Human health and climate health are intimately intertwined.

We, individually and collectively,  have  a relationship with the planet we live on. Like the human body, the planet Earth is a complicated balance of elements that work in harmony to provide stability long into the future. When that balance is disrupted by unnatural events, such as human activity, our future is less certain.

When we consider human health, we must consider how the health of our climate health shapes it—whether it is the impact the climate has on the social determinants of health, the depletion of essential resources like water caused by a changing climate, how we can harness art to connect ourselves to our environment, or how united communities may have profound impacts.

Our speakers have a unique understanding of our connection to climate and its impact on our health. They ask us to consider how we may act as communities on a road toward a healthier world, both for our climate and ourselves.